APC News

URGENT CALL TO ACTION: Ask your U.S. Representative to sign this joint Congressional letter on GFI 256!

Published September 9, 2022

One result of last week’s Compounders on Capitol Hill has been the creation of a joint congressional letter to FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine raising concerns about the great ambiguity in GFI 256 on animal compounding,

A.J. Day receives APC’s Malmberg Award

Published September 9, 2022

A.J. Day, vice president of clinical services at PCCA, and an APC Board member, was named APC’s 2022 George and Lucy Malmberg Compounding Advocacy Champion during Compounders on Capitol Hill.

APC 2022 Fellows inducted

Published September 9, 2022

Please join us in congratulating the 2022 APC Fellows...

WE DID IT! FDA grants our request for an enforcement delay on GFI 256

Published September 9, 2022

At APC, we are always working on our members' behalf.

Compounding Advocacy Day is THURSDAY, September 15

Published September 9, 2022

This coming Thursday, September 15—the same day as our Congressional visits in DC—is Compounding Advocacy Day.

NEW Prescriber Brief: Prescription compliance

Published September 9, 2022

To help you educate your prescribers, APC and the Pharmacy Compounding Foundation have developed three member-only briefing documents you can share with physicians and other medical professionals.

Check out PCF’s support for the cBHT campaign in Politico

Published September 9, 2022

Thanks to generous support from the Pharmacy Compounding Foundation, our Campaign to Save Compounded Hormones is being featured in Politico.com.

Welcome new PFMs

Published September 9, 2022

We’re pleased to welcome our newest PFM members to the fold, bringing the total to 63 pharmacies and facilities that have joined APC as PFMs since March.


Published September 9, 2022

September 15 is Compounding Advocacy Day, and you have two ways to participate…

Meet our newest PFM benefit: Shipment Trackers

Published September 9, 2022

Shipment Trackers, APC's newest Pharmacy/Facility Member (PFM) affinity service provider, offers preferred pricing on several services to PFMs.

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