We need more Fellows
As compounders, we get along with each other quite well. After all, we have similar goals, and we share a common passion. But we need more fellowship. Or rather, fellows-ship.
What do I mean by this?
One of my goals as APC President has been to reinvigorate APC’s Fellows program. Since its inception in 1997, this program has recognized nearly 100 compounding professionals who are leaders in our industry. They are the elite amongst us.
Then COVID hit and the Fellows program was pushed aside to make room for more pressing issues. We are working hard to change that. I have appointed a Fellows Committee and they are very active. The committee is currently accepting and reviewing applications for new Fellows.
Most importantly, I want to note that the Fellows Committee has changed the rules to include pharmacy technicians under this recognition. Techs are incredibly vital to the compounding profession—let’s face it, without them, we would not be able to do what we do. The Committee enthusiastically agreed that their ability to be recognized as Fellows was long overdue.
If you are a leader in our profession and wish to apply for this year’s class of Fellows, please click here.
However, you’ll have to act quickly: the deadline for application is June 30, 2022. If you are successful in your application, you will be inducted at Compounders on Capitol Hill (CCH) on September 14, 2022. I look forward to seeing you there.
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David Miller is APC’s president and the managing co-owner of Keystone Compounding Pharmacy in Grand Rapids, Michigan. You can reach him at drdave@keystonepharm.com.