April 15, 2022

APC holds briefing on La Vita situation

More than 150 people registered for APC’s town hall briefing this week on the California Board of Pharmacy’s complaint against La Vita Compounding Pharmacy. California regulators have filed a complaint against La Vita for compounding sterile preparations with glutathione and methylcobalamin. It’s a matter that has nationwide implications — as APC Board Chair Michael Blaire said in the briefing: “If California gets away with this, other states will try it, too.”

Money quote:

It’s hard to believe in 2022 we’re fighting for vitamin B12, but here we are. —Chris Givant, co-founder of La Vita Compounding Pharmacy

With support from our Legal Action Fund, APC submitted an amicus brief in support of the pharmacy, and is keeping a close eye on the court proceedings.

Finally, please consider giving to the Legal Action Fund. We never know who will need help — or when — fighting regulatory overreach.