APC News


Published June 6, 2020

Join APC for an important follow-up conference call on the ESI/Tricare clawback issue, with critical legal and advocacy information you can use. Visit http://a4pcnews.com/2020-06/apc-follow-up-briefing-call-esi-tricare-clawback for details and free registration.

FDA revokes emergency use ruling for hydroxychloroquine

Published June 6, 2020

FDA has withdrawn its emergency approval of hydroxychloroquine as a Covid-19 treatment. Both hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, the agency said, are "unlikely to be effective in treating Covid-19" and have serious side effects. (https://www.statnews.com/2020/06/15/fda-revokes-hydroxychloroquine/)

Weeks after reopening, states see Covid-19 cases surge

Published June 6, 2020

Not really surprising: Covid-19 cases are surging across the country about 2 weeks after states began reopening. But total US cases are down because NY's cases are down. (https://fllw.me/2YEhJkL)

Animal compounding draft GFI deadline extended

Published June 6, 2020

FDA has agreed to extend the public-comment period for draft GFI #256 an additional 120 days.

APC provides support for members on ‘outrageous’ ESI recoupment

Published June 6, 2020

“It looks like a shakedown to me.” – Jeff Baird, Brown & Fortunato

Many compounders recently have received a recoupment notice from ESI regarding Tricare/CHAMPUS compounded prescriptions.… (Read the rest)

Associations to OMB: FDA underestimated admin burden in MOU

Published June 6, 2020

In a joint letter to OMB, organized by APC, four national pharmacy associations say FDA has underestimated the administrative burden that would be incurred by state boards of pharmacy under the recently released ‘final’ MOU on shipments of out-of-state compounded drugs.

Thursday Briefing Call: ESI/TRICARE Clawbacks

Published June 6, 2020

Join APC for an important briefing on the ESI TRICARE/CHAMPUS clawback recoupment notices, tomorrow, Thursday, June 11, at 5 pm EDT. Details here: http://a4pcnews.com/2020-06/thursday-briefing-call-esi-tricare-clawbacks

When will it be normal again?

Published June 6, 2020

Patients afraid to shake? They're not alone. Read a survey (full of charts!) of 511 infectious disease specialists to see when they "Expect to Fly, Hug and Do 18 Other Everyday Activities Again": https://nyti.ms/2AfC7R7 (Spoiler: The handshake is dead.)

Congressmen share our MOU concerns, support us with OMB

Published June 6, 2020

Seven members of Congress have written to OMB, sharing the same concerns we have about FDA's MOU on interstate shipments of compounded drugs: That it will place a tremendous and undue burden on state boards of pharmacy. Read the letter at https://a4pc.org/Common/Uploaded files/Advocacy/2020-06-08_Letter-to-OMB-on-MOU.pdf

Building a safer compounding practice

Published June 6, 2020

Safety is the #1 concern for compounding, followed by safety and safety. Pharmacy Practice News got a list of "10 New Building Blocks of Compounding Safety" from Patricia Kienle, dir. of accreditation and medication safety at @CardinalHealth. Check it out: https://fllw.me/2YlEKZG

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