APC News

It’s time to take back your profession. On Feb 16, we’ll share our plan.

Published February 2, 2023

Join us on February 16 for a Virtual Town Hall. We will discuss the campaign, as well as the different ways that your involvement will help secure the future of our industry.

Hole-y expertise, Batman! What to do?

Published January 1, 2023

Last week we surveyed compounders about their knowledge of new laws, regs, and practice protocols. The results are in, and we’re seeing some holes in your expertise.

Please DON’T attend our 2023 Owner Summit…

Published January 1, 2023

If you’re a pharmacy or facility owner who’s always looking for business-growing ideas and techniques to improve your operations, then APC’s 2023 Owner Summit, March 26-28, is for you.

FDA’s guidance on compounding ibuprofen isn’t just for 503Bs

Published January 1, 2023

Last Friday, FDA issued guidance on compounding certain ibuprofen oral suspension products...

Speaking of semaglutide…

Published January 1, 2023

Semaglutide seems to be everywhere. News stories in The Wall Street Journal. Vanity Fair. The New York Times.

Are the compounding gods listening?

Published January 1, 2023

With release of the revised USP <797>, the compounding gods have spoken. But like Job in the Bible, we’ve got questions.

2023 APC committee leaders named

Published January 1, 2023

We welcome and congratulate these 2023 leaders of APC’s standing committees...

Assess yourself: Is your expertise up-to-date?

Published January 1, 2023

Are you up-to-speed on recent regulatory and practice protocol changes? Take a moment to assess yourself—and to see how you measure up with your peers…

Associations write FDA about suspension shortages

Published January 1, 2023

APHA, NCPA, and APC sent a joint letter to FDA this week, urging the agency to take action on suspension shortages.

Compounding directives included in FDA appropriation

Published January 1, 2023

The report that accompanies the FDA appropriation bill recently signed by President Biden includes several compounding directives for the agency.

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