APC News

Raw material substitution?

Published October 10, 2020

The new blog post from Gus Bassani, PCCA's chief scientific officer, explains "Why Brand and Generic Substitution Is Not the Same as Raw Material Substitution".

CCHV: It ain’t over

Published September 9, 2020

Compounders on Capitol Hill is still going on — we're in the midst of our 55 virtual congressional meetings, and we're getting great feedback as we're having our voice heard loud and clear.

A joint letter to protect cBHT access

Published September 9, 2020

Three major pharmacy associations — APC, NCPA, and NASPA — have submitted a joint letter today to the FDA, expressing concern about the NASEM study of cBHT and FDA’s stated intention of considering restrictions based on that study.

Help these urologists improve ED treatment

Published September 9, 2020

Urologists at Wake Forest University are working to improve the use of intracavernosal Injection (ICI) for erectile dysfunction — they're looking for help from compounders to improve understanding among urologists relative to ICI, "and to try and standardize our delivery of care relative to treatment and education."

Bray earns first annual Malmberg Compounding Advocacy Champion Award

Published September 9, 2020

Jeffrey Bray, CPhT, of Salt Lake City, was the recipient of the Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding's first annual George and Lucy Malmberg Compounding Advocacy Champion Award, presented to him at APC's Compounders on Capitol Hill event on September 10.

We’ve got some friends in Congress coming to our aid to preserve compounded hormone therapy

Published September 9, 2020

Four representatives — Jaime Herrera Beutler, Henry Cuellar, Mark Pocan, and David P. Roe, M.D. — have written a letter to FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn expressing their concern with the NASEM report.

Pharmacists to be allowed to give Covid-19 vaccine

Published September 9, 2020

Great news: HHS is preemptively authorizing pharmacists and pharmacy interns across the country to administer any approved Covid-19 vaccine to patients 3 and older.

Where will you be tomorrow?

Published September 9, 2020

You want to be able to ship meds out of state? You want to continue to supply veterinary compounds? You want cBHT to stay legal? THEN SAY SO. Start at Compounders on Capitol Hill this Thursday.

Help your patients fight Covid-19

Published September 9, 2020

"The long muscle fibers that keep hearts beating were diced into short bits": that's what even mild cases of Covid-19 can do. Supplements can help — learn how with our September 29 webinar.

Board approves new Code of Ethics, will require members to subscribe to it

Published September 9, 2020

The APC Board of Directors this week approved a reinvigorated Compounder Code of Ethics and a requirement that APC members indicate that they will abide by the tenets of the code as a condition of membership in APC.

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