September 17, 2020

Help these urologists improve ED treatment

Urologists at Wake Forest University are working to improve the use of intracavernosal Injection (ICI) for erectile dysfunction — they’re looking for help from compounders to improve understanding among urologists relative to ICI, “and to try and standardize our delivery of care relative to treatment and education.”

What they told us:

A number of providers prescribe items like Trimix, with no thought given to the particular formulation or implications. Many older physicians will use “stampers” with rarely used formulations, many of which may be far below the more commonly used recipes. Concepts like thresholds for batch testing and even timelines for stability based on refrigeration/frozen storage are poorly understood by many prescribers.

We hope that input from compounding pharmacists can help urologists be more efficient with prescribing ICI for patients. The aim is to collect the information on the survey and compile it into a number of abstracts and manuscripts to consolidate the literature on ICI. In order for us to move ahead expeditiously, we are making a deadline of October 17. Thank you for your support of advancing the scientific knowledge for ED therapy.

Click here to take the survey.