APC News

32 (and more) thank-yous

Published November 11, 2020

A big thank you to the 32 members of Congress who signed a letter to FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn — a letter urging that the agency not base decisions about compounded hormone therapy on the flawed NASEM study.

Do you know the right way to handle e-prescribing — in compounding?

Published November 11, 2020

Paper prescriptions are well on their way out, so your e-script knowledge needs to be 100 percent up to date. NCPDP Script 2017071 is the 800-pound gorilla of electronic prescribing, and you’ll want to know it backwards and forwards. APC’s new live webinar, E-Prescribing in Compounding, will help you do just that.

Compounding supporters win races

Published November 11, 2020

Congrats to APC member Diana Harshbarger (TN-1), who will become the first compounder in Congress with her victory Tuesday. (Buddy Carter, GA-1, currently the only pharmacist in Congress, was reelected as well.)

New CE webinar from APC: Electronic prescriptions

Published November 11, 2020

It's the 500-lb gorilla of electronic prescribing, and you'll want to know it backwards and forwards. It's NCPDP Script 2017071, and APC's new live webinar, E-Prescribing in Compounding, will help you do just that.

Foundation to fund NASEM study analysis

Published October 10, 2020

This week the Pharmacy Compounding Foundation voted to take a leadership role in the effort to protect cBHT. The Foundation board approved substantial funding for an objective, third-party, comprehensive analysis of the NASEM cBHT study.

Tempted by peptides? Don’t do it.

Published October 10, 2020

Until it’s legal, don’t compound peptides that don’t meet 503A active ingredient criteria.

APC at work: California

Published October 10, 2020

California's Board of Pharmacy is considering a rather overzealous attempt to limit animal compounding from bulks, and APC is happy to support our friends at the California Pharmacists Association with a letter to the BoP opposing those changes.

FDA and Congress; CBD and hemp (and marijuana)

Published October 10, 2020

Congress had one idea about deregulating hemp, but the DEA has its own. The result is confusion about the legality of hemp and CBD — and who regulates what.

FDA POSTS FINAL MOU: Disappointing … but not surprising

Published October 10, 2020

"I suspect we’re likely to see litigation by compounding pharmacies adversely affected by the MOU. We could even see litigation by states. FDA could have worked with stakeholders on this and created a workable MOU, but as ever, it kept its own counsel, and here we are."

Fairness and the FDA

Published October 10, 2020

Check out the latest entry in FDA Law Blog: "Lemonade from Lemons: Fairness in FDA Enforcement Actions." It's about executive order 13924, which says federal agencies "shall consider" fairness in enforcement actions. How might that apply to FDA?

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