APC News

BRIEFING FOR OWNERS: The MOU, reporting shipments, and you

Published April 4, 2021

APC is offering a free one-hour, members-only webinar briefing for owners: "NABP’s Data Collection Tool for MOU Compliance: What Will It Mean for You?"

Organizations ask pharmacy boards to contact FDA

Published April 4, 2021

APC, with our partners has sent a letter to every state boards of pharmacy.

Thank you to Daved Rosensweet, MD

Published April 4, 2021

... for writing about the threat to compounded hormones in Townsend Letter: "If We Lose Compounded Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy"

Provider status bill

Published April 4, 2021

A bill introduced in Congress would be a small but important step toward that frustratingly elusive goal of full provider status for pharmacists.

Congratulations to APC member Richard Rhodes of University Compounding in San Diego

Published April 4, 2021

He is the recipient of the California Pharmacists Association 2021 Steven C. Feldman Compounding Award — "an individual who is a leader in California pharmacy by virtue of his activities to advance the practice of compounding."

FDA-funded report on compounded hormones is tainted, analysis shows

Published April 4, 2021

A 2020 FDA-funded report published by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine on the safety and utility of compounded hormones is compromised by potential bias, conflicts of interest and bad science — so says an independent, third-party analysis.

Introducing Compounding.com

Published April 4, 2021

APC has launched Compounding.com, a new website dedicated to sharing the value of compounded hormone therapy.

BRIEFING FOR OWNERS: The MOU, reporting shipments, and you

Published April 4, 2021

APC is offering a free one-hour, members-only webinar briefing for owners: "NABP’s Data Collection Tool for MOU Compliance: What Will It Mean for You?"

Scott ’casts about compounding’s priorities

Published April 4, 2021

APC CEO Scott Brunner was the featured guest on the April 14 edition of Medisca's PhLAG 2021 pod/video cast.

Associations ask FDA to delay MOU enforcement

Published April 4, 2021

APC and several other organizations have submitted a joint letter to FDA asking that it delay enforcement of the final MOU until at least October 26, 2023.

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