APC News

APC delivers compounding briefing on Capitol Hill

Published July 7, 2024

APC briefed about four dozen House of Representatives healthcare staffers on the practice of pharmacy compounding — and cleared some of the muddied waters.

Those Lilly letters

Published June 6, 2024

We learned this week that several compounding pharmacies have received a cease-and-desist letter from a law firm representing Eli Lilly.

CCH registration is OPEN!

Published June 6, 2024

Demonstrate your commitment to your patients and practice at APC’s annual DC fly-in for pharmacy compounders, September 17-18 at Hilton National Mall.

Demonstrably difficult list, demonstrably problematic

Published June 6, 2024

The FDA is proposing a rule that would add categories to both the 503A and 503B demonstrably difficult to compound (DDC) lists — a plan that has a host of issues.

APC to CA BOP: How does this make patients safer?

Published June 6, 2024

The California Board of Pharmacy has proposed several new regulations for pharmacy compounding, some of which, to put it bluntly (and we did put it bluntly), are not rooted in science or evidence.

Truth and GLP-1s

Published June 6, 2024

Compounded GLP-1 drugs. Perhaps you’ve heard about them?

When media does its job

Published June 6, 2024

Well check this out: A news story about compounded GLP-1s that’s actually accurate, sans all the usual hand-wringing and fear-mongering.

The cover of the Rolling Stone?

Published June 6, 2024

Okay, not quite the cover, but APC has certainly been quoted in that and dozens of other publications over the past several months as the GLP-1 phenomenon has shone a bright light on pharmacy compounding.

GLP-1 misinfo affects you — here’s what to do about it

Published June 6, 2024

Learn what’s at stake and what APC is doing about it — and how you can help … even if you don’t compound GLP-1s.

FDA listened, we spoke

Published June 6, 2024

The FDA held a listening session on the "Use and Processes of Advisory Committees" on Thursday. APC's Tenille Davis and PCCA's AJ Day were there.

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