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Invest in APC and the health of compounding and the patients it serves

It is a practical reality that the critical work APC does requires resources. You can support our efforts (which are, after all, on your behalf) by investing in any of our initiatives.

We’ve even created what we call our OneFund. When you invest here, you support all of our major initiatives and we promise to remove you from our fundraising efforts! 

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One Fund

APC’s OneFund helps pay for our critical advocacy operations at the state and Federal level, including lobbying, research, outreach, marketing, and coalition-building with sister organizations.

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Additional Investment

Our political action committee, focused on electing representatives who are champions of pharmacy compounding.

Compounding the Joy of Living Campaign

This is our media campaign to increase awareness of pharmacy compounding among patients, prescribers and representatives.

Pharmacy Compounding Foundation

PCF funds compounding education, research, and leadership development and has a direct impact on your compounding business and career.

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Legal Action Fund

APC's Legal Action Fund supports legal action in cases whose outcomes have implications for the entire pharmacy compounding profession.

Investment Packages

Be a compounding defender: Invest once to support all four APC funds!
When you invest in this fund, we use your resources to support all of our campaigns. And we remove you from additional fundraising efforts.