Durham, NC
Jennifer L. Burch, PharmD, RPh, FAPC, CDE
Being an exceptional compounding professional means you never stop learning
Pharmacy Compounding FoundationInvesting in pharmacy compounding’s futureIn an effort to continue advancing the practice of pharmacy compounding, APC established a non-profit 501(c)3 educational foundation in 2003. The Foundation serves as the charitable arm of APC, providing funding for education and scientific programming and research. The Foundation promotes pharmacy compounding by:
Where we’re pointedThe foundation’s mission is to advance pharmacy compounding practice and the profession for the benefit of patients. Its vision is to enhance patients’ quality of life with compounded medications. PCF’s goals include:
Embold Research surveyed 1,222 adults nationwide from January 10-15, 2025, to assess public sentiment on compounding pharmacies and their role in the healthcare system. The results show strong public support for compounding pharmacies, particularly in addressing drug shortages and providing essential health services. However, many people remain unaware of the industry's strict regulatory standards and the safety of compounded medications.
PCF Leadership |
Durham, NC
Scottsdale, AZ
Scottsdale, AZ
Woodbury, NY
Board Chair (ex-officio)
Mesa, AZ
Auburn, AL
Chief Executive Officer
Mission, KS
Hideout, UT
Circle Pines, MN
Torrance, CA
Kemah, TX
Sugarland, TX