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Pharmacy Compounding Foundation

Investing in pharmacy compounding’s future

In an effort to continue advancing the practice of pharmacy compounding, APC established a non-profit 501(c)3 educational foundation in 2003. The Foundation serves as the charitable arm of APC, providing funding for education and scientific programming and research.

The Foundation promotes pharmacy compounding by:

  • Funding innovative educational programs and research initiatives that enhance the quality, safety, responsiveness, and credibility of the compounding pharmacy profession;
  • Encouraging curricular endorsement of the fundamental proficiencies essential to compounding pharmacists through alliances with educational institutions and accreditation bodies;
  • Sponsoring public education programs that acquaint healthcare professionals and the public with the services and issues related to pharmacy compounding; and
  • Supporting student participation in compounding professional development and advocacy programs to orient them about compounding and support compounding as a possible career path.

Where we’re pointed

The foundation’s mission is to advance pharmacy compounding practice and the profession for the benefit of patients. Its vision is to enhance patients’ quality of life with compounded medications.

PCF’s goals include:

  • Creating a plan for long-term fiscal stability essential to cover annual operating expenses.
  • Supporting consumer-focused public relations efforts to elevate pharmacy compounding.
  • Sponsoring and developing pharmacy compounding educational offerings for state pharmacy associations, pharmacy schools, compounding prescribers, and via student scholarships.
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A new national poll conducted for the Pharmacy Compounding Foundation by Embold Research shows strong public support for pharmacy compounding’s critical role in filling gaps in the U.S. drug supply and meeting individual patient needs.

Embold Research surveyed 1,222 adults nationwide from January 10-15, 2025, to assess public sentiment on compounding pharmacies and their role in the healthcare system. The results show strong public support for compounding pharmacies, particularly in addressing drug shortages and providing essential health services. However, many people remain unaware of the industry's strict regulatory standards and the safety of compounded medications.


Embold Research graphic showing data for importance for compounding pharmacies to prepare copies of an FDA-approved drug when that drug is in shortage

PCF Leadership

Durham, NC

Jennifer L. Burch, PharmD, RPh, FAPC, CDE


Scottsdale, AZ

Michael Blaire, RPh, FAPC


Scottsdale, AZ

Lloyd Levidow


Woodbury, NY

Gina Besteman, RPh

Board Chair (ex-officio)

Mesa, AZ

Melinda Browning, CPhT, FAPC

Auburn, AL

Scott Brunner, CAE

Chief Executive Officer

Mission, KS

Lisa Everett Andersen, RPh, FACA, FAPC, CCN

Hideout, UT

Greg Lake

Circle Pines, MN

Jennifer L. Petska, CPhT, FAPC


Torrance, CA

Robert Nickell, RPh

Kemah, TX

Vinnie Dam, PharmD

Sugarland, TX

David Martinez, CPhT