Worth a read (x2)
Two clicks worth your time to peruse.
"It’s hard to believe in 2022 we’re fighting for vitamin B12, but here we are."
APC is reviewing the document, which includes at least some of the changes we requested.
Audible Sunshine will make APC Pharmacy/Facility Members' sound GREAT.
It's a new, more valuable class of membership — and a better way support and benefit from the alliance.
It made him aware of the peer-reviewed study that found no evidence that compounded hormones pose an increased clinical risk.
APC members Peter Koshland and Dr. Angela DeRosa joined CEO Scott Brunner in Florida for the filming.
APC member Matt Martin is running for APhA-APPM Compounding SIG Coordinator-Elect.
At issue: California compounders' ability to compound glutathione and methylcobalamin.
The paper reaches and unambiguous conclusion about cBHT safety.
Several members of Congress come by for a tour.
For the entire month of April, Medisca will match individual contributions to our Campaign to Save Compounded Hormones!
He'll be taking charge of expanding APC’s business relationships.
It's April 21 from 2:00–3:00pm EDT
We're happy to announce our new affinity relationship.
APC submitted formal comments this week regarding USP’s proposed changes to beyond-use dates in General Chapters <795> and <797>.
Thank you, Revelation Pharma and Pharmacists Mutual!
The question: Is retail pharmacy compounding for veterinary office use allowed in the absence of a patient-specific prescription?
We joined more than 200 other healthcare organizations in a message to HHS.
An email to prescribers gave some inaccurate information about FDA's plans with cBHT.
Our letter to newly confirmed FDA Commissioner Robert Califf reminded him of the critical role compounding plays for millions of Americans.
It explored how APC can assist the agency in preventing fraud, waste, and abuse while also expanding Tricare coverage of compounded therapies for servicemen and -women.
Renewing their partnership will bring a big benefit to APC Pharmacy/Facility members.
Colorful, printable, professional flyers courtesy of Michelle Moser of Makers Compounding Pharmacy & Hallmark in Mt Vernon, Wash.
"Anyone who knows him understands how well deserved this is"
Our condolences to the family and friends of the former APC member.
In a significant legal victory for pharmacy compounders, the FDA has conceded it must conduct formal notice-and-comment rulemaking to implement its MOU with states regarding interstate shipments of compounded medications.
If you plan to attend but have not booked a room, we have space at the 10-minutes-away Sonesta ES Suites Scottsdale Paradise Valley.