October 6, 2023

Big thanks to CompPAC investors

CompPAC is the way APC supports members of Congress who think like you do about pharmacy compounding. And where does CompPAC get its funding? From compounders like you.

October 6, 2023

Licensed in California? You’ll want to see this

APC staff has prepared a comparison document illuminating the differences between the new USP Chapter <797> on sterile compounding that takes effect November 1 and proposed regulation from the California Board of Pharmacy.

October 6, 2023

Senators to FDA: Preserve access to cBHT

Five U.S. Senators have written to the FDA urging that the agency assure continued patient access to compounded hormones for patients.

October 6, 2023

FDA puts some peptides off-limits

Last Friday, the FDA announced that it has updated the list of bulk drug substances nominated for use under section 503A.

October 14, 2022

USP to release new <795> and <797>

Did they or didn’t they? Did USP take seriously input from APC (as well as that of APhA, NCPA, and numerous other pharmacy stakeholder groups)?

October 14, 2022

Short Video: He’s using OutcomeMD … and thriving!

Jack Korbutov says the system is already paying dividends.

October 14, 2022

Legal settlement spurs FDA to develop 503B bulks list

The Outsourcing Facilities Association announced this week that it reached a settlement agreement with the FDA.

December 17, 2021

Congressmembers to FDA: On cBHT, remember the patient

22 members of Congress urged FDA to “craft patient-centered policies that preserve treatment options” related to compounded hormones.

December 17, 2021

Is your board of pharmacy aware of USP’s BUD proposals?

Mention this letter to your pharmacy board members and executive director.

December 17, 2021

Everyday Health has published our compounded hormones series!

It debuted last week.

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