
Recent entries tagged "fda"

July 12, 2023

Compounded medications: When an FDA-approved therapy isn’t quite right

By Kim Hansen, RPh, FAPC

For many patients, a compounded medication can be life-changing — even lifesaving.… (Read the rest)

August 25, 2021

A whole new board

Take note: FDA’s CDER is launching the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Governance Board to 'improve monitoring of the supply chain' and more. (https://fllw.me/2Wqs2vl)

August 24, 2021

Check out FDA’s outsourcing conference

Outsourcers! You’ll want to make time for the FDA virtual conference "2021 Compounding Quality Center of Excellence," Sept. 14 and 15, virtual and free: https://fllw.me/388GhY