P3 Archives

November 1, 2020

Getting your kids to take their meds

Have you ever struggled to get your child to take their medicine? You’re not alone! It’s common for kids to complain about the taste, the texture, or (if you’re really unlucky) even the color.… (Read the rest)

August 1, 2020

It’s electric: Delivering sports meds the modern way

Summertime: When the living is easy … and the sports injuries are common. Sure, sometimes rest and “Honey, don’t ever do that again” is all you need, but other times medication is called for.… (Read the rest)

June 1, 2020

June is Men’s Health Month!

June is Men’s Health Month, and APC wants to remind everyone, especially the aging men in your life, of the importance of living a healthy lifestyle to maintain optimal energy levels!… (Read the rest)

May 15, 2020

Supplements and the Immune System

One body system that everyone wants working at its best is the immune system. What supplements can best help with this?… (Read the rest)

May 1, 2020

Drug shortages? Compounding pharmacies are there to help

No doubt we’re all aware of the Covid-19 pandemic and resulting shortages of medical supplies — and that includes some medications.… (Read the rest)

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