P3 Archives

February 2, 2022

Pharmacies and drug shortages

When FDA determines that certain manufactured drugs are in shortage, who’s there for you? Who fills the gaps?… (Read the rest)

November 1, 2021

The Compounder’s Role in Transgender Health Care

Pharmacists, especially knowledgeable compounding pharmacists, have an important opportunity to play a role in healthcare for the transgender (TG) community.… (Read the rest)

October 1, 2021

Life After Breast Cancer

Congratulations! You have made it through the wilderness and survived breast cancer. You have lots to celebrate and be thankful for, but your life will never be the same.… (Read the rest)

September 1, 2021

Different pains require different drugs

We all experience multiple types of pain throughout our lives. Bee stings, sunburns, and skinned knees are all examples of acute, short-term pain, but pain can also be chronic.… (Read the rest)

August 1, 2021

Dealing with rashes

Did you know that your skin is the largest organ in your body? It serves many important functions, including protecting the body against trauma, regulating body temperature, maintaining water and electrolyte balance, sensing painful and pleasant stimuli, and even participating in vital bodily functions such as vitamin D synthesis.… (Read the rest)

June 1, 2021

Storing Medications Appropriately

Jawaher E Ghazoul, NEOMED, Class of 2023

Think about how you store your medications. Do you keep medications in the fridge when they need to be refrigerated?… (Read the rest)

May 1, 2021

Pharmaceutical Compounding: Finding solutions to life’s medication challenges

Reuben K Nielsen, PharmD, MBA

If you have never heard of pharmaceutical compounding, it may seem scary — venturing into the unknown is full of uncertainties.… (Read the rest)

March 1, 2021

If a medication makes you sick, your compounding pharmacist can help

Your knowledgeable compounding pharmacist is a valuable resource when patients with digestive disorders cannot be helped with traditional manufactured pharmaceuticals.… (Read the rest)

November 15, 2020

Stress … and ways your pharmacist can help

Stress can come at us in many different forms — from starting (or losing) a job, going to a new school, moving, getting married or divorced, losing a friend or relative, or a host of other issues.… (Read the rest)

November 1, 2020

Getting your kids to take their meds

Have you ever struggled to get your child to take their medicine? You’re not alone! It’s common for kids to complain about the taste, the texture, or (if you’re really unlucky) even the color.… (Read the rest)

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