APC News

What’s at stake in the Supreme Court?

Published October 10, 2020

Specifically the Rutledge v PCMA case? The practices of 1000s of community pharmacies and their patients, that's what. Our allies explain: "States vs. PBMs at the Supreme Court: What’s at Stake for Patients."

GFI #256: Congress sends a joint letter to FDA

Published October 10, 2020

A big thank you to all the members of Congress who signed onto the joint letter to FDA — led by Reps. Norcross, Pocan, and Yoho — asking that the agency withdraw GFI #256 on animal compounding. (Click here to see the list and read the letter.)

Rep. Morgan Griffith pens a great op-ed

Published October 10, 2020

APC is loving this powerful op-ed from Congressman Griffith about the FDA's MOU. It makes important patient access and economic arguments against the MOU as presently proposed. Please share and spread the word (and a thank-you to the congressman wouldn't hurt, either).

Tricare stands down, ESI (gasp!) apologizes

Published October 10, 2020

The Tricare recoupment fiasco faced by hundreds of pharmacies across the country appears to be nearing its end, with a victory for pharmacists in sight.

Nominations are still open: Run for the foundation board

Published October 10, 2020

Join the board of the Pharmacy Compounding Foundation! Help direct its mission, advance pharmacy compounding, and do more for patients. NOMINATIONS CLOSE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15. Just click here to self-nominate!

GFI #256 comment period is closing!

Published October 10, 2020

The comment period for animal compounding GFI 256 is closing THURSDAY, October 15. As written, the draft guidance will restrict veterinary practice, increase prices of compounded drugs for animals, and put animal health at risk. Here's how you can help — but hurry!

Tricare clawback update

Published October 10, 2020

APC's been working on the Tricare clawback issue, and we've got some pretty good news. It's too much for a quick post here, so we've scheduled a (final?) briefing call THIS WEDNESDAY, October 14, at 4:00pm EDT. Free to all, but registration required — click here to do that.

Reminder: We need your help to protect cBHT

Published October 10, 2020

Help us collect testimonials and urge Congress to let FDA know: cBHT needs to be protected. Millions of patients are counting on us!


Published October 10, 2020

FDA is threatening cBHT restrictions. Urge your member of Congress to weigh in — we make it easy.

HCQ for Covid? Courts won’t force FDA’s hand

Published October 10, 2020

ICYMI: Two federal courts separately denied requests from plaintiffs who wanted to force FDA to authorize the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat or prevent Covid-19 — despite the fact that there is little to no evidence that it works, and may even be dangerous.

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