APC News

Associations ask USP to extend comment deadline

Published January 1, 2022

In December, APC, APhA, and NCPA sent a joint letter to Brenda Jensen, chair of USP’s Compounding Expert Committee.

NCPA and APC to brief prescribers on BUD issues Jan. 20

Published January 1, 2022

Prescribers need to know the potential issues with USP’s proposals for beyond-use dates on compounded medication.

APC members defend cBHT on TV

Published January 1, 2022

Shawn and Tara pushed back against misinformation about cBHT ... and looked good doing it.

Check out cover guy Gopesh Patel!

Published January 1, 2022

He’s on the December America’s Pharmacist mag.

Wishing you all a wonderful New Year’s

Published December 12, 2021

"Not a creature was stirring," indeed.

Congressmembers to FDA: On cBHT, remember the patient

Published December 12, 2021

22 members of Congress urged FDA to “craft patient-centered policies that preserve treatment options” related to compounded hormones.

Is your board of pharmacy aware of USP’s BUD proposals?

Published December 12, 2021

Mention this letter to your pharmacy board members and executive director.

Everyday Health has published our compounded hormones series!

Published December 12, 2021

It debuted last week.

Helping Kentuckians

Published December 12, 2021

The Kentucky Society of Association Executives has directed those who want to help to this list of local charity organizations.

BUD restrictions: We need your real-world examples

Published December 12, 2021

How do you think currently proposed revisions to USP Chapters 795 and 797 will affect your patients and pharmacy practice? We need to hear from you, and soon!

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