March 1, 2024

NCPA: Local pharmacies are running out of time

A new NCPA survey reveals local pharmacies are struggling to stay afloat after the January 1 implementation of the CMS DIR rule, requiring all pharmacy price concessions (i.e., DIR fees) to be assessed at the point of sale.

March 1, 2024

Florida will begin inspecting to new USP standards

The Florida Board of Pharmacy Compounding Subcommittee met last week to discuss the state’s USP 797 inspection process.

March 1, 2024

Letter asks justification for proposed Massachusetts fee increase

The Massachusetts Board of Registration in Pharmacy held a hearing February 28 on proposed new fees for pharmacy licenses in the state.

March 1, 2024

Peptides: Still complicated

A couple of years ago, APC released a brief for prescribers on peptide compounding. The title of that brief was “Compounded Peptides: It’s Complicated.” Since the release of that brief, it hasn’t gotten any less complicated.

March 1, 2024

PCCA is our newest Diamond-level supporter

Long-time APC partner PCCA is our newest Diamond-level Corporate Patron for 2024 and has committed additional funding to sponsor a series APC regional meetings this year.

February 29, 2024

Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding Statement in Response to FDA Commissioner Califf’s Misstatement Conflating Compounded Drugs and Counterfeit Substances 

We presume that the Commissioner’s conflation of legitimate compounded drugs with illicit substances sold direct-to-consumer was inadvertent. Regardless, it requires a correction.

February 23, 2024

Welcome to our new PFMs

The number of APC Pharmacy-Facility Memberscontinues to grow (and grow and grow). We’ve added 23 since November, bringing the total number to 162.

February 23, 2024

If you’re licensed in NY State, you may want to be aware of this

As you know, New York currently requires pharmacists to directly supervise any pharmacy technicians who are compounding. What you may not know is that bills have been introduced in the state legislature to remove that requirement.

February 23, 2024

Apply now for APC Fellowship

Are you committed to patient care through quality pharmacy compounding and the highest ethical and professional standards? If so, you should apply to be an APC Fellow. 

February 23, 2024

Insufficient funds

Our Campaign to Save Compounded Hormones is running out of money. I did not ever expect that to be news I’d need to deliver to you as your APC Board Chair, but here we are.

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