August 31, 2024

A quick quote from Scott in WaPo

The Washington Post's story "Eli Lilly ramps up its fight against imitation weight-loss drugs" contains a short quote from CEO Scott Brunner.

August 30, 2024

CC: August 30, 2024

Cape-free heroes, Lilly’s shell game, and more

August 30, 2024

Let’s talk about that Lilly announcement

There’s been plenty of coverage of Eli Lilly’s announcement this week that it will sell vials of Zepbound directly to consumers at a discount. But the company seems to have left out a few important caveats.

August 30, 2024

Our response to the op-ed in The Hill

The Hill published an editorial by Dr. Kenneth McCall titled “Fake, unsafe weight-loss drugs are a worsening public health dilemma” in which he makes unfounded claims about pharmacy compounding. Here’s the response from our CEO.

August 30, 2024

The shortage ends … then what? (Find out at CCH) 

We’ve added a new session to the Compounders on Capitol Hill lineup. Don’t miss the discussion of what’s on many a compounder’s (and regulators’ … and reporters’...) mind.

August 30, 2024

A new bronze corporate patron

A big welcome to Ro, APC’s newest tier-level corporate patron!

August 28, 2024

Inside Health Policy quotes Scott (again)

In its article on Lilly's introduction of DTC discounted vials of Zepbound, IHP included a great quote from CEO Scott Brunner.

August 28, 2024

Scott on Lilly on GLP-1s on CBS

You’ve probably seen the news that Eli Lilly will begin selling Zepbound in vials by mail. What you may have missed is that the CBS News story quoted APC CEO Scott Brunner.

August 28, 2024

We gave background to Inside Health Policy

Inside Health Policy used APC for information in its piece “Uncertainty Looms Over Bulk Production Of Personalized GLP-1 Drugs.”

August 28, 2024

Inside Health Policy covers our comment

Our comment to FDA about its use of the Pharmacy Compounding Advisory Committee (PCAC) was covered in detail by Inside Health Policy.

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