February 17, 2021

A big town hall for APC’s District II

If you’re a compounder in the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic (Maine to DC) — even if you’re not an APC member — please join us for a virtual town hall on compounding issues: Wednesday, March 10 from 4:00-5:00pm EST.

This APC District II meeting is free and open to all compounding professionals — no registration required. It’s a perfect chance to hear about the issues facing compounding, and to meet and connect with other folks in your neck of the woods.

On March 10, just go to https://a4pc.org/310townhall to attend, or call in to (312) 626-6799.

Meeting ID: 818 1287 3996
Passcode: 812010
Or just click here on your mobile: +13126266799,,81812873996#,,,,*812010#


In short, what happened in 2020 and what’s planned for 2021.

In long, here are the issues we’ll be talking about:

  • The campaign to save cBHT
  • The FDA’s MOU on interstate shipments
  • Dietary supplements
  • HCG
  • BUDs & USP
  • The Pharmacy Compounder’s Code of Ethics

And of course there will be plenty of time for Q&A.

Don’t miss out — it’s free, interesting, informative, and you can attend from your favorite hotspot.