August 13, 2021

$1,500,000! cBHT campaign hits goal!

We did it. You did it.

Jeff Bray put us over the finish line with a $30,000 contribution to the campaign to save cBHT.

Thanks to a generous investment this week from APC member Jeff Bray of Medquest Pharmacy in North Salt Lake City, we have achieved our goal. We’ve raised $1.5 million — $1,500,000! — for our campaign to save and protect compounded hormones.

Let that sink in.

“It is extraordinary what pharmacy compounders have achieved,” said APC CEO Scott Brunner. “In just nine months our members have helped raise more than APC’s entire annual budget specifically to defend the profession from this threat.”

Our corporate partners have been a huge help during the fundraising, but make no mistake: The majority of those funds come from individual compounders — business owners who have banded together to preserve their profession.

“Together we have done the extraordinary — more than any one of us could do alone,” said APC Board Chair Shawn Hodges.

And now the campaign is in full swing: Ads have already been appearing in front of members of Congress and their staff, as well as other policymakers in Washington. We’re seeing results. Ads are being clicked and being visited by the people we want to hear from real patients about their experiences with cBHT. And we’ve only just started to get the message out.

The media campaign will continue into 2022, and possibly beyond that. (It’s up to FDA. We’d prefer this all to end quickly!) But until we hear that cBHT is safe, yes, we’ll have to continue to raise money. But for now we can give you a break from the cBHT fundraising emails … for at least a few months. And we’ll apply any funds we receive after today to our 2022 goal.

For the moment, enjoy the victory and keep an eye out as we show you how that money — the money you raised — is working to protect your patients and your practice.