June 18, 2021

Board approves new ‘company’ APC membership

Among decisions the APC Board of Directors made when it met this past Tuesday was approval of a new “company” membership category. The aim is to roll out the new membership in January 2022.

“For our entire 30-year history, we’ve been an individual-membership organization, and when the number of compounders was greater, it’s a model that worked,” said APC’s CEO Scott Brunner. “But continuing consolidation in the business, coupled with new and thorny policy challenges, means that old model cannot sustain APC. Company memberships will allow us to represent many more voices while providing additional revenues to fund our advocacy work.”

Under the proposal the board approved, the new membership will be in the name of the pharmacy or outsourcing facility, and all employees will become APC members. Dues will be based on the total number of pharmacists and technicians the company employs, and company members will be eligible for a range of value-add services, included in the dues, that are not available to individual members.

“Now that the board has approved it, we’ll begin to build out the system,” Brunner said. “Our aim is to be able to make the services delivered via a company membership so attractive that it will be hard for a pharmacy or facility owner to say no to it.”