January 19, 2024

Welcome (and welcome back) to our 2024 Corporate Patrons

APC’s Corporate Patron Program allows suppliers, service providers, and others with an interest in compounding pharmacy to increase and leverage their influence and to amplify our effectiveness as the voice for pharmacy compounding. They help us—and you—promote and protect the profession. 

This year, we have 36 Corporate Patrons signed on in support of APC, including 22 Tier Corporate Patrons. You can see a full list of Tier Patrons below, and you can learn a little more about all of them on our website.


2024 Basic-Level Corporate Patrons

  • Brown & Fortunato, P.C.
  • Compounder’s International Analytical Labs
  • Elba Labs
  • Exakt Technologies 
  • Galenova
  • Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Company
  • Specialty Process Labs
  • Storey Marketing
  • Torpac
  • Uberlube
  • IJPC
  • A4M
  • LP3 Network 
  • RX Insider