October 20, 2023

Shortage drug compounding ads reach 800k+ during CCH

It’s called geofencing — the ability to target digital messaging to individuals who meet a defined demographic criteria within a defined geographic area.


Scott Brunner

It’s technology APC employed with positive effect during Compounders on Capitol Hill last month to put messaging about our shortage drug compounding bill, HR 167, in front of members of Congress and congressional staffers.

Our campaign delivered 816,992 impressions of ads like the one shown at left, and created 354 “engagements.” An engagement includes a web page view, form fills, or button click. Here’s the landing page for that campaign.

APC is also using geofencing technology to reach prescribers attending upcoming Age Management Medical Group and A4M events to spread the word about the threat to compounded hormone therapy.

It’s just another way we’re putting to good use your investment in our Compounding the Joy of Living Campaign. Please invest if you have not yet done so for 2023.

Read on for more news …


Scott Brunner, CAE is APC’s chief executive officer. Email him at scott@a4pc.org.