June 11, 2021

NCPA to provide in-kind support to cBHT campaign

The National Community Pharmacists Association will provide in-kind support valued at $25,000 for APC’s cBHT media campaign, APC learned this week. That support will include ongoing coverage of the campaign and ad placements in NCPA’s flagship America’s Pharmacist magazine, social media, and other communications support, and exposure at NCPA’s October annual convention in Charlotte, N.C.

“We support this important campaign and we want to help make it successful,” wrote NCPA CEO B. Douglas Hoey.

“We’re grateful for our ongoing partnership with NCPA on compounding issues, and NCPA’s in-kind support of our campaign to save compounded hormones is particularly appreciated,” said APC’s CEO Scott Brunner.

If you’re also an NCPA member, look for campaign messaging coming soon – and maybe shoot Doug a quick thank you!