June 18, 2021

Help end DIR fees!

APC has signed onto a letter of support for the sponsors of H.R. 3554 and S. 1909, the Pharmacy DIR Reform to Reduce Senior Drug Costs Act. But we need more than just thanking the sponsors — we need more sponsors!

We know you’re busy, so our friends at NCPA are making it easy. One click is all you need. Go here to contact your senators and representative and urge them to support bipartisan pharmacy DIR reform efforts by cosponsoring S. 1909/H.R. 3554, the Pharmacy DIR Reform to Reduce Senior Drug Costs Act.

Pharmacy DIR fees grew 91,500% between 2010 and 2019, more than doubling between 2017 and 2019. Ridiculous? You bet it is. DIR fees are out of control and are unsustainable.

We need your help! Voice your support for this important legislation for community pharmacy.