June 11, 2021

$1.5 million … or bust?

These are the end times, and we’re not talking theologically.

We’re in the last days of our effort to raise $1.5 million that will fund an ambitious media campaign to preserve patient access to compounded hormones. We’ve already raised more than $1 million, but we’re still $450,000 short of the funding needed for the actual media ad placements related to the campaign. And we only have about three more weeks to raise those funds. If we don’t make the goal, we’ll have to halt the campaign.

Many of you have already invested in this effort. Thank you. But I need to ask one thing more of you. While a handful of vendors in the compounding space have given to the campaign, many have not. They may not understand that the loss of cBHT to your pharmacy or facility could well mean they’ll lose your business. You need to remind them. In the next three weeks. And urge them to make a generous investment in your future … and theirs.

Here’s a list of who’s given to the campaign already. And here’s where vendors can go to invest in this important effort.

Thanks for your help. We’ve got three weeks. It’s $1.5 million … or bust.


Scott Brunner, CAE
Chief Executive Officer