April 9, 2021

Three new resources for your grassroots advocacy

One of APC’s 2021 priorities is to make more connections between compounding pharmacists and both legislators and the boards of pharmacy of all 50 states — one-on-one meetings, pharmacy tours, and positioning compounders as the go-to resource for questions related to pharmacy laws and regulations.

Working with attorney Stephen Snow and his team at Bendin, Sumrall, and Ladner, we’ve developed some new grassroots resources to help. Grab them below, or find them on A4PC.org/stateside.

APC’s goal is to have 12 congressional visits hosted among its member pharmacies during the year. Visits are one of the best ways to build relationships and bring attention to the issues faced by the compounding community. Check out Hosting A Pharmacy Visit With Your
State Or Federal Legislators
and talk to us about scheduling one!