If you were staring into the fridge thinking, “What three things can an independent pharmacy do to compete with Amazon?” you’re in luck: Forbes has an answer.
March 19, 2021
Lilly intervenes in OFA lawsuit against FDA
Lilly says the FDA isn’t allowed to decide when compounders can compound FDA-approved drugs. read more →
Reason #1 to come to the APC Owner Summit
"Turning Science into Stories" with Andrew Buck will teach you how to turn facts into stories that will connect with both rational and emotional audiences. read more →
FDA releases final interim guidance on bulk drug substances for both 503As and 503Bs
This new guidance supersedes the 2017 versions of the same titles. read more →
Why you need to sign up for an APC Package Deal — and why now is the right time
The beginning of the calendar year is the best time to be grab a package deal. read more →
FDA doubles down: Tirzepatide is off shortage
...but that doesn't mean the issue is completely settled. read more →
Good news from Alabama, but a problem in Massachusetts read more →
The latest letters APC's been sending to oppose efforts to restrict compounding read more →
APC was thrilled when the FDA announced it was taking action against illegal online businesses claiming to sell “research-grade” compounds. read more →
March 19, 2021
If you were staring into the fridge thinking, “What three things can an independent pharmacy do to compete with Amazon?” you’re in luck: Forbes has an answer.
E-mail: info@a4pc.org
Phone: (281) 933-8400
Fax: (281) 495-0602
Mailing: Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding
100 Daingerfield Road, Ste. 100
Alexandria, VA 22314
APC is committed to addressing any concerns or complaints within one business day. Please send them — and, of course, any compliments — to info@a4pc.org.