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Upcoming APC events

APC hosts three big events each year
APC’s annual D.C. fly-in is your best chance all year to meet with federal legislators on their turf. Share your concerns and brief them on the issues facing your compounding practice in this two-day networking event.
Our annual education conference in collaboration with the Ohio Pharmacists Association focuses on a different timely issue or topic each year.
A one-of-a-kind learning, planning, and networking especially for compounding pharmacy leaders. Two days of meaty presentations and conversations focused on helping you run your business better.
Protecting pharmacy compounding—and the patients it serves
Lobbying on Capitol Hill to assure that legislation elevates and preserves pure ingredient compounding
APC has three members-only resources covering state-level compounding issues.
Help elect candidates who think like you do about pharmacy compounding.
From time to time, APC makes its position clear on critical issues related to compounding.
Because a lack of data hurts our position with FDA


Being an exceptional compounding professional means you never stop learning

There’s an old saying, “You can’t talk your way out of a problem you behaved your way into.”
The Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Foundations of Pharmacy Compounding
Keeping you at the top of your game
In 2024, APC formed a ‘Best-Practices Working Group’ to look at critical issues and to offer a defined, science-based practice for compounding certain medications and for other critical processes.

Committed to pharmacy compounding

The Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding is the industry trade association and the voice for pharmacy compounding, representing more than 600 compounding small businesses – including compounding pharmacists and technicians in both 503A and 503B settings, as well as prescribers, educators, researchers, and suppliers.
Protecting Compounding Through:
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Our Advocacy

Our passion for compounding is fueled by our members’ passion for their patients and the medications they create. APC is focused on strategies to assure that millions of patients can continue to access the essential compounded medications that, in the judgment of their prescribers, are right for them.

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Our Focus

Our commitment — not only to our dues-paying members but also to their patients — is to lead, to influence, to speak, and to serve so that the practice of pharmacy compounding is not merely preserved but is elevated as a key component of healthcare delivery for millions of patients across America.

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Our Mission

In an era when there is so much misinformation out there about compounded drugs, we aim to provide accurate, factual information and perspective on pharmacy compounding to our members; policymakers; news media; and, of course, patients.

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Want to know more about the public policy issues we’re working on?

Why compounding?

Traditional compounding means creating a customized medication, usually from raw ingredients, for an individual patient pursuant to a prescription. Pharmacists' ability to compound medications from pure ingredients is authorized in federal law and for good reasons: Manufactured drugs don’t come in strengths and dosage forms that are right for everyone, and physicians need to be able to prescribe customized medications when, in their judgment, a manufactured drug is not the best course of therapy for a patient or the proper FDA-approved drug is in shortage.

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APC members subscribe to the Pharmacy Compounder Code of Ethics, comprising ten tenets that guide their professional, clinical, and business practices.

Why compounding matters.

APC-member pharmacies adhere to the highest standards of quality and compliance. Every one of the active ingredients that they use comes from FDA-registered facilities and manufacturers. Their labs and the equipment in them are subject to exacting regulation and are inspected by state boards of pharmacy and by FDA. And that is as it should be—because, as an industry, we believe in strong, science-based regulation that protects patient health.

APC-affiliated compounding pharmacies play a vital role in the American healthcare system and in each patient's life that they serve. They prepare essential personalized medications for people who typically have no other option, across a range of disciplines and issues, including autism, cancer, dermatology, ophthalmology, pediatrics, women’s health, and more.


APC is led by a volunteer board of directors composed of pharmacy compounding practitioners. The officers of the organization serve as its executive committee.

Board of Directors


Gina Besteman, RPh

Madison, WI


Philip Smyth, CPhT, FAPC

Lebanon, OH

Vice President

Alexander Pytlarz, PharmD

St. Petersburg, FL


Chad Thompson, PharmD

Cincinnati, OH

Immediate Past Board Chair

Joseph P. Navarra, RPh, FAPC

Woodbury, NY

Chief Executive Officer

Scott Brunner, CAE

Auburn, AL


Mark Filosi, RPh
Plant City, FL
District IV
Amy Frost, PharmD
Stevensville, MT
Cheri Garvin, RPh, FAPC
Leesburg, VA
District III
Anthony Grzib, RPh
Swedesboro, NJ
District II
Anthony Grzib
Jonathan Head, PharmD
Irving, TX
District V
Jonathan Head
Stacy Hightower, CPhT
Aubrey, TX
District V
Matt Johnson
Englewood, CO
District VI
Matt J
Jack Korbutov, PharmD, FACA, FACVP
Philadelphia, PA
District II
Jack K
Peter Koshland, PharmD
Berkeley, CA
District VII
Matt Martin, PharmD, BCSCP
Crestwood, KY
District III
Erin Michael, MBA, MS, CPhT, FAPC
Cottonwood, CA
District VII
Masoud Rashidi, PharmD, FAPC
Folsom, CA
Masoud Rashidi
Melissa Stefko
Odessa, FL
District IV
Kristen Youngdahl
Denver, CO
District VI
Kristen Youngdahl
Jennifer Burch, PharmD, FAPC
Durham, NC
PCF President
Click here for the 2025 Board list by district and terms