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Upcoming APC events

APC hosts three big events each year
APC’s annual D.C. fly-in is your best chance all year to meet with federal legislators on their turf. Share your concerns and brief them on the issues facing your compounding practice in this two-day networking event.
Our annual education conference in collaboration with the Ohio Pharmacists Association focuses on a different timely issue or topic each year.
A one-of-a-kind learning, planning, and networking especially for compounding pharmacy leaders. Two days of meaty presentations and conversations focused on helping you run your business better.
Protecting pharmacy compounding—and the patients it serves
Lobbying on Capitol Hill to assure that legislation elevates and preserves pure ingredient compounding
APC has three members-only resources covering state-level compounding issues.
Help elect candidates who think like you do about pharmacy compounding.
From time to time, APC makes its position clear on critical issues related to compounding.
Because a lack of data hurts our position with FDA


Being an exceptional compounding professional means you never stop learning

There’s an old saying, “You can’t talk your way out of a problem you behaved your way into.”
The Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Foundations of Pharmacy Compounding
Keeping you at the top of your game
In 2024, APC formed a ‘Best-Practices Working Group’ to look at critical issues and to offer a defined, science-based practice for compounding certain medications and for other critical processes.

State-level compounding resources

APC has three members-only resources covering state-level compounding issues. Created in collaboration with the National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations and funded by a generous grant from the Pharmacy Compounding Foundation.
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Because these are available only to APC members, you’ll need your APC log-in and password to access them.
  • State Compounding Legislation and Regulation Tracker (PFM Member Only)
  • Compilation of State-Adopted USP 795, 797, and 800 Rules
  • Compounding for Office Use and Veterinary Office Use
  • Prescriber Briefs (PFM Member Only)

APC has other state-level resources available to all:

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TaxJar’s listing of states where dietary supplements are tax exempt or taxed at a lower rate

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The Federation of Tax Administration’s chart on state sales tax raates and food and drug exemptions


Here are two organizations’ tracking resources on state laws and regulation on e-prescribing. Both give the same info, just the interfaces are different.

The Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding is the voice for pharmacy compounding, representing compounding pharmacists and technicians in both traditional and outsourcing settings, as well as prescribers, educators, patients, and suppliers.

From Surescripts: EPCS Readiness: Which States Lead the Charge?

From MD Toolbox: E-Prescribing Mandate State Laws


APC’s Stateside Coalition

Join our coalition of compounders who’ve volunteered to be APC’s eyes and ears and voice at their state’s board of pharmacy meetings. We’re working to have coverage in all 50 states, with at least three volunteers in each state to share the duties and assure consistent coverage of meetings.

When we know what’s going on in your state, we can prepare you with information and talking points to effectively represent your profession.



What are we working on?

Licensing Requirements
Memos to state boards of pharmacy

Prescriber Briefing Resources

Unfortunately, there are still practitioners out there who question the legitimacy of pharmacy compounding, so they’re reluctant to consider the compounded therapies you can provide their patients. (Or worse, they ask you to compound substances that are prohibited.)

To help you educate your prescribers, APC and the Pharmacy Compounding Foundation have developed five member-only briefing documents you can share with practitioners and other medical professionals:


The Truth About Pharmacy Compounding, which explains the regulatory framework under which compounders operate and provides an overview of what can and cannot be compounded under federal law.


Compounding Peptides: It’s Complicated. This briefing explains restrictions on peptide compounding as well as uncertainty surrounding the list of semaglutide on FDA’s Drug Shortage List. An updated briefing will be available soon.


Prescription Compliance: DEA’s “Wet Signature” Requirement. This briefing explains how the Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) “wet signature” requirement applies to electronic prescriptions for controlled substances.


Documenting Medical Rationale. With enforcement of FDA’s GFI 256 set to commence April 1, 2023, APC has developed this briefing to help you coach the veterinarians you work with on what they must document on prescriptions for compounded animal drugs.


Compounding for Racehorses: An Overview for Veterinarians. As a tightly regulated sport, horseracing has specific rules and regulations regarding the use of drugs in horses, including the use of compounded ones.

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The APC and PCF logos give credibility to the documents, and both are designed so you can add your pharmacy logo as well.

You can find all of the briefings here and share them with the practitioner offices you or your sales reps visit.

(Note: It’s an APC member-only tool, so you’ll need your login and password to access it.)