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Upcoming APC events

APC hosts three big events each year
APC’s annual D.C. fly-in is your best chance all year to meet with federal legislators on their turf. Share your concerns and brief them on the issues facing your compounding practice in this two-day networking event.
Our annual education conference in collaboration with the Ohio Pharmacists Association focuses on a different timely issue or topic each year.
A one-of-a-kind learning, planning, and networking especially for compounding pharmacy leaders. Two days of meaty presentations and conversations focused on helping you run your business better.
Protecting pharmacy compounding—and the patients it serves
Lobbying on Capitol Hill to assure that legislation elevates and preserves pure ingredient compounding
APC has three members-only resources covering state-level compounding issues.
Help elect candidates who think like you do about pharmacy compounding.
From time to time, APC makes its position clear on critical issues related to compounding.
Because a lack of data hurts our position with FDA


Being an exceptional compounding professional means you never stop learning

There’s an old saying, “You can’t talk your way out of a problem you behaved your way into.”
The Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Foundations of Pharmacy Compounding
Keeping you at the top of your game
In 2024, APC formed a ‘Best-Practices Working Group’ to look at critical issues and to offer a defined, science-based practice for compounding certain medications and for other critical processes.

Together, we’re stronger and wield more influence

Without question, our influence grows the more our efforts are unified. There are a number of things you can do to enhance our Advocacy efforts. 

Reach out regularly to your representatives 

Members of Congress pay greater attention when they hear regularly from people in their districts/states. Email has influence. Phone calls even more so. We’ve even made it easy to reach out:


Join us for Compounders on Capitol Hill

During this annual event, we go to The Hill and speak directly to members of Congress. Again, the more of us make the trip, the greater our influence. You’ll find everything you need to know about Compounders on Capitol Hill here. 

Invite your member of Congress to work

Connecting with your representatives in Congress is a valuable way to help the compounding cause. When your members of Congress are home in their district, it’s a perfect time to host them at your pharmacy. These formal visits allow them to see what you do and how you do it, and give you the chance to brief them on the challenges compounders are facing. It’s as easy as calling your Congressperson’s district office and scheduling a date. And without a doubt it’s the very best way to educate elected officials on compounding policy priorities.


APC has made it easy for you to plan a pharmacy visit with your member of Congress. Take a look at our handy how-to guide, then contact for assistance!