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Upcoming APC events

APC hosts three big events each year
APC’s annual D.C. fly-in is your best chance all year to meet with federal legislators on their turf. Share your concerns and brief them on the issues facing your compounding practice in this two-day networking event.
Our annual education conference in collaboration with the Ohio Pharmacists Association focuses on a different timely issue or topic each year.
A one-of-a-kind learning, planning, and networking especially for compounding pharmacy leaders. Two days of meaty presentations and conversations focused on helping you run your business better.
Protecting pharmacy compounding—and the patients it serves
Lobbying on Capitol Hill to assure that legislation elevates and preserves pure ingredient compounding
APC has three members-only resources covering state-level compounding issues.
Help elect candidates who think like you do about pharmacy compounding.
From time to time, APC makes its position clear on critical issues related to compounding.
Because a lack of data hurts our position with FDA


Being an exceptional compounding professional means you never stop learning

There’s an old saying, “You can’t talk your way out of a problem you behaved your way into.”
The Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Foundations of Pharmacy Compounding
Keeping you at the top of your game
In 2024, APC formed a ‘Best-Practices Working Group’ to look at critical issues and to offer a defined, science-based practice for compounding certain medications and for other critical processes.

Because a lack of data hurts our position with FDA

The FDA is an agency persuaded by data. And in compounding, the best way to demonstrate the value of the compounded formulations you dispense daily is via patient-reported outcome data that can be aggregated and shared with FDA.
Big news for APC Pharmacy-Facility Members: You have access to a great compounding-specific patient-reported outcomes tool: OutcomeMD.
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It’s an outcome-tracking and marketing platform — an extraordinary strategic tool for the compounding profession and a great business solution for individual pharmacies.

Why It Matters
There’s plenty of anecdotal evidence for positive patient outcomes, but not enough of the validated, standardized data FDA wants to see. The OutcomeMD platform will help change that, allowing APC to aggregate patient-reported outcome data while providing compounding pharmacy owners granular data on how their formulations are working for patients.

“The OutcomeMD platform is something long-needed in compounding: A means of collecting and aggregating patient outcomes data in a way that’s not just useful to the pharmacy but useful to the profession,” said APC’s CEO Scott Brunner, CAE.

Via a smartphone app, patients respond to questions about how their specific therapies are working. Owners in turn get data about those formulations using the same validated measures used in clinical trials (and that FDA uses in its database). And, with the owners’ permission, APC gets access to the aggregated metadata — scrubbed of HIPAA-protected details, of course — to share with FDA and demonstrate how patients benefit from compounded therapies.


Benefits to Your Pharmacy

Using OutcomeMD also provides direct benefits to you and your patients.
  • You’ll have more information about your formulations, allowing you to make adjustments that benefit patients — and to market your services to prescribers.

  • Patients will appreciate the improved customer service; it’s easier for your team to monitor their progress and respond more quickly to questions or concerns.

  • By highlighting success stories, OutcomeMD provides you a powerful marketing tool — it even creates graphics to share on social media and helps patients share their success on review sites.

Thanks to our partnership with OutcomeMD, APC Pharmacy/Facility Members members receive more than half off OutcomeMD’s standard subscription rates.

Get Started

Learn more about everything an OutcomeMD subscription provides at Then reach out to Jessie Rains to schedule your demo.


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Schedule your demo now with Jessie Rains