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Upcoming APC events

APC hosts three big events each year
APC’s annual D.C. fly-in is your best chance all year to meet with federal legislators on their turf. Share your concerns and brief them on the issues facing your compounding practice in this two-day networking event.
Our annual education conference in collaboration with the Ohio Pharmacists Association focuses on a different timely issue or topic each year.
A one-of-a-kind learning, planning, and networking especially for compounding pharmacy leaders. Two days of meaty presentations and conversations focused on helping you run your business better.
Protecting pharmacy compounding—and the patients it serves
Lobbying on Capitol Hill to assure that legislation elevates and preserves pure ingredient compounding
APC has three members-only resources covering state-level compounding issues.
Help elect candidates who think like you do about pharmacy compounding.
From time to time, APC makes its position clear on critical issues related to compounding.
Because a lack of data hurts our position with FDA


Being an exceptional compounding professional means you never stop learning

There’s an old saying, “You can’t talk your way out of a problem you behaved your way into.”
The Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Foundations of Pharmacy Compounding
Keeping you at the top of your game
In 2024, APC formed a ‘Best-Practices Working Group’ to look at critical issues and to offer a defined, science-based practice for compounding certain medications and for other critical processes.

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How to choose a compounder

When choosing a compounding pharmacy, here are some conversations you can have with the compounding pharmacist:

Ask about licensure
Are they licensed to dispense or ship to your state or residence?

Ask about quality standards
Verify that the pharmacy complies with applicable USP compounding standards. Ask if the pharmacy only sources their active pharmaceutical ingredients from FDA-registered facilities (as required by federal law). Ask if periodic testing of compounded medications is performed by a third-party lab.

Ask about the training of the compounding staff
Ask about special certifications of compounding staff, including completion of APC’s 15-hour certificate program on the regulatory foundations of pharmacy compounding. Ask about what kinds of hands-on training staff undergoes, as well as special certificates earned or webinars or conferences attended.

Ask how your medication is compounded
A great compounding pharmacist won’t hesitate to explain the process and ensure you feel comfortable with the medication they are preparing for you. If your medication is a sterile compound, such as an eye drop or injection, ask about sterility testing.

Ask about accreditation
The Accreditation Commission for Health Care offers a special accreditation for compounding pharmacies. It’s known as PCAB accreditation. The Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board assesses pharmacies for compliance and their commitment to continuous quality improvement. PCAB accreditation demonstrates a pharmacy’s commitment to meeting the highest industry standards. It’s the gold standard for compounding pharmacies.


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