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APC sends customized letters to encourage CCH registration
Do you live in a congressional district represented by a member of the House Energy & Commerce committee, or a state represented by a senator who sits on the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee? If so, look for a letter from APC coming your way with a special request.
Those are committees that most often deal with issues related to pharmacy compounding, so cultivating relationships with these legislators is essential in order to make progress on our policy priorities. That’s the point we make in the letter, along with a request that you register for APC’s Compounders on Capitol Hill, set for September 19-20 in Washington, DC.
“When you make the effort to fly to DC to meet with members of Congress on their turf, it makes a difference,” said APC’s Scott Brunner. “They see that you’re passionate about your compounding practice and they listen to your concerns. It’s how we create new compounding champions, and it depends largely on you.”