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CCH registration is NOW OPEN

Discounted early-bird rate is only good thru July 7

Registration for APC’s annual DC fly-in, Compounders on Capitol Hill, opened today. Act now to take advantage of our discounted early-bird registration—
including extra-special pricing for our PFM members.

CCH is your opportunity to lobby lawmakers on their turf—and to make a big difference for your profession and your patients. Our abbreviated day-and-a-half schedule September 19-20 means you can get to DC by 11am on September 19 and be back at the airport, ready to head home, by 4pm the next day.

It’s a quick trip and an important mission with huge potential to move the ball down the field on our legislative priorities—shortage drug compounding legislation and our bill to eliminate the MOU. We’ll be talking about the threat to compounded hormone therapy, too.

So don’t dilly-dally. Do the right thing for your business and get registered now! We look forward to seeing you in September.