This June, APC will be holding three virtual town halls — meetings for compounding professionals in...
We believe you can fly
(to Washington, DC for APC's Compounders on Capitol Hill, that is)
We also believe you’ll save money if you register for CCH by July 7.
Compounders on Capitol Hill, APC’s annual DC fly-in, is September 19-20—just under three months away. But what’s NOT three months away is our early bird registration deadline, coming up July 7.
This year’s program is crammed, full of sessions designed to brief you on big issues we’re working on and to equip you to lobby your members of Congress to support those issues.
If you believe you can fly—to DC, that is, for the biggest compounding advocacy gathering of the year—you’ll save money by registering now. Go ahead, register here. It takes three minutes, and you’ll join dozens and dozens of your fellow compounders who care enough about their profession to come to DC to advocate for it.