End Drug Shortages Act intro’d in Congress Legislation expands sources FDA may draw from in...
A short story of persistence and potential
APC members Stuart Johnson and his wife Brandi, of Aiken, SC, didn’t know their US Senator Tim Scott, but they signed up to meet with his staffer last September during Compounders on Capitol Hill.
That meeting, plus Stuart’s consistent monthly communication with Scott’s team in the months since then, resulted last week in an important reach-out to APC by Sen. Scott’s office seeking a briefing on APC’s urgent-use/shortage compounding House bill, HR 167.
APC’s public policy counsel, David Pore, briefed Sen. Scott’s team this past Monday and asked that Senator Scott advocate for including the language of HR 167 in the reauthorization of the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act, currently under consideration by the Senate HELP Committee. At the senator’s request, APC on Wednesday submitted a comment letter to committee leaders urging inclusion of HR 167 in the Senate PAHPA reauthorization.
“Senator Scott understands that compounding can help alleviate drug shortages,” said Pore. “We’re grateful for his interest in HR 167, and we’re working with his team to advocate for its inclusion in the Senate pandemic preparedness bill.”
“All of this is because of the persistence of one APC member and his consistent outreach to his U.S. Senator,” said APC’s Scott Brunner. “Stuart and Brandi are examples of what effective grassroots compounder advocacy looks like. Thanks to them, we’re looking at an opportunity to advance policies that will alleviate drug shortages and benefit millions of patients.”