For those of you who weren’t able to register for EduCon a couple weeks ago, there’s still time to...
Hole-y expertise, Batman! What to do?
Last week we surveyed compounders about their knowledge of new laws, regs, and practice protocols. The results are in, and we’re seeing some holes in your expertise. Here’s an overview—the percentages shown are respondents who say they are up-to-speed on this issue, which means that on most issues, a lot of folks, well…aren’t:
If you’re concerned about holes in your expertise, we’ve got the solution: EduCon 2023, APC’s “Best Practices in Compounding” Conference, coming up February 9-10. You can earn up to 12 hours LIVE CE, it’s all virtual, and best of all, you’ll get the latest on the topics above and more.
It’s coming fast. Get registered.