We need to stop the FDA's GFI #256 on veterinary compounding, and you can help — ACT NOW.
The push to withdraw GFI #256 still needs your (congressperson's) help
We're still working hard to get as many members of Congress to sign onto the Norcross/Pocan/Yoho "Dear Colleague" letter to FDA — the letter asking the agency to withdraw its horrendously misguided GFI #256 on veterinary compounding.
Has yours signed it? Make sure they have.
Call their office. "Hi, my name's and I'm a constituent of Representative Jones. I wanted to leave a quick message. Please ask him to sign the 'Dear Colleague' letter from representatives Norcross, Pocan, and Yoho. It's the one to Stephen Hahn at FDA asking him to withdraw GFI number 256 on veterinary compounding." (You won't need to go into a lot of detail — you'll be speaking with an assistant, and the Norcross/Pocan/Yoho letter explains it all.)
Write or fax. The message is the same, but be sure to include your name and address to show that you live in the district.
Use our form. Click here for a simple web page that will send a detailed message to your representative's office explaining the issue.
Tell pet owners and vets. They can send a message to their members of Congress as well via P3's website at p3rx.org/issues-action.php.
Please, send your message today. NOW. We need to stop this intrusion into the practice of veterinary medicine and compounding!