We're still working hard to get as many members of Congress to sign onto the Norcross/Pocan/Yoho...
ACT NOW: Tell your representatives to sign onto the letter to FDA
We need to stop the FDA's GFI #256 on veterinary compounding, and you can help — ACT NOW.
Three members of Congress — Ted Yoho (R-FL, also a veterinarian), Mark Pocan (D-WI), and Donald Norcross (D-NJ) — have written a “Dear Colleague” letter to their peers, asking for signatures on a letter to FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn. They want Hahn to withdraw GFI #256.
Contact your member of Congress and ask them to contact Norcross, Pocan, or Yoho to sign this letter.
These proposed guidelines would dramatically curtail access to compounded medications. They are dangerous, unnecessary, and outside the FDA's jurisdiction.
GFI #256 includes both positive and negative lists of bulk ingredients that may — and may not — be used for office-stock compounding. The positive list includes only seven of the more than 450 commonly used bulk ingredients, while the negative list has 11 prohibited ingredients.
What meds would be affected? GFI #256 can restrict virtually every common medication that compounding pharmacies prepare from bulk ingredients for veterinarians: amlodipine, budesonide, buprenorphine, chlorambucil, desmopressin, enrofloxacin, fluconazole, fluoxetine, gabapentin, ketoconazole, lomustine, methimazole, penicillamine, pentosan, phenylbutazone, piroxicam, prazosin, prednisolone, sildenafil, theophylline, trilostane, tylosin, ursodiol, zonisamide, and more.
PLEASE ACT NOW! Ask your representative to look for the "Dear Colleague" letter — or reach out to Norcross, Pocan, or Yoho — and sing onto the message asking FDA to withdraw GFI #256.
We make it easy to send a comment to your representative — we've even written a sample message to get you started.
Please, send your message today. Let's stop this intrusion into the practice of veterinary medicine.