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Compounders on Capitol Hill goes virtual

With the Covid-19 pandemic still in full swing in large parts of the country, and the uncertainty of what the situation will look like in September -- we don't know if congressional offices will be open, nor how many members of Congress will be willing to see visitors.

That in mind, APC has decided to turn Compounders on Capitol Hill into a virtual event. In fact, a series of virtual events.

We're still working out the details, but CCHV will probably consist of an initial half-day in September with continuing ed seminars focused on our advocacy issues, followed by a series of virtual visits with members of Congress through November.

The good news: Going virtual will make it easier to participate -- get your CE and visit your member of Congress from the comfort of home!

Luckily we have a lot of virtual-conference experience to draw upon to make CCH a productive and effective advocacy event. Keep an eye on your inbox (or follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook) for the details next week.