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CCH: You’re running out of time …

  1. If you’re coming to CCH, we need you to register ASAP so we can schedule you for Hill visits with your members of Congress. The earlier we can reach out to their offices, the better — but we can’t schedule a visit for you if we don’t know you’re coming. 
  2. The cutoff for the APC room block is Monday, August 26. If you haven’t reserved your room, you might not be able to get the APC rate, or worse, you might end up slumming it somewhere else. Click here to reserve your roomor call 1-800-HILTONS and use group code CPCH24.
  3. APC’s annual meeting is at CCH. Join us Tuesday, September 17 at 2:15 pm for an update on all APC has been working on (spoiler: it’s more than just GLP-1 issues) as well as our annual membership meeting. It’s 30 minutes that will change your life (?), and it’s followed by a briefing on the issues we’ll be talking about with legislators.