For small and large 503A pharmacies and 503B outsourcing facilities, APC offers a pharmacy/facility...
New PFM resources
We have several new PFM-only resources now available on our website. Make sure you’re logged in so you can access them:
- Primer on Compounding Accreditations (and an accompanying spreadsheet covering compliance inspection pathways by state)
- Compounding-specific CE requirements by state for both pharmacists and technicians — especially helpful for those of you licensed in multiple states
- Issue brief on OTC compounding: Several states have recently addressed OTC compounding in legislation or regulation. Our new issue brief outlines those changes and other considerations for compounding OTCs
Also, as a reminder, all PFM members get access to NABP’s Survey of State Pharmacy Law, a compendium of all laws governing pharmacy practice, by state. If you haven’t accessed yours, contact