This week we were made aware that the Massachusetts Board of Pharmacy was questioning a compounder...
A flurry of state activity
We’ve been busy this week on the state regulatory front, submitting comments on bills in Illinois and Maryland and sending our new statement on peptide compounding to all state boards of pharmacy. Here’s the lowdown:
- Illinois HB 5517 would require both 503A compounding pharmacies and 503B outsourcing facilities to register as a pharmaceutical marketing firm and provide a list of all employees who are sales representatives. Our comments assert that the bill is an invasion of privacy, imposes an unnecessary hardship to pharmacies and outsourcing facilities, and will not decrease the cost of medications dispensed by pharmacies or outsourcing facilities.
- Maryland HB 1099 was intended to allow veterinarians and veterinary technicians to compound medications, but the bill has now been withdrawn. APC’s comments outline the numerous conflicts with compounding regulations and best practices that the bill language presented.
- We also sent a memo to all 50 state boards of pharmacy sharing our newly published public statement “Understanding Law and Regulation Governing the Compounding of Peptide Products.” The goal in sharing the statement is to provide accurate information for board members, investigators, and licensees.