FDA’s Pharmacy Compounding Advisory Committee this week voted to recommend that FDA add glutathione...
FDA hears from APC leaders
On Wednesday, APC’s Executive Committee and Federal Legislative Committee leaders met virtually with 30+ representatives of FDA’s Office of Compounding Quality and Compliance team to discuss a range of issues impacting pharmacy compounding. OCQC director Gail Bormel initiated the twice-a-year listening sessions with APC two years ago so her team could benefit from hearing our suggestions and concerns.
This week’s topics included:
- Appreciation for the agency’s beta lactam guidance document and the recent agency response to NABP on BOP “essentially a copy” confusion
- Proposed MOU/adverse events legislation
- HR 167: Urgent use legislation
- Status of DTE reclass in light of APC’s substantive comments and recommendations
- Compounded hormones and patient-reported outcomes
- Status of rulemaking for 503A bulk list interim items
- Agency summary of 483s over past year (relevant findings, recurring themes) for industry use in training
- Agency’s ibuprofen/acetaminophen shortage response and the 503B direct-to-503A model – pros and cons
- Requesting and update on our previous input about the PCAC process: lack of deliberation, short time limit on presenters, and limitation on industry rep participation in discussions