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Want to be influential at APC? Sign up for a 2023 committee seat

2023 is coming, and with it, new opportunities for you to serve and advance your profession. One of those opportunities is for you to lend your expertise as a member of a 2023 APC volunteer committee.

Committees are the workhorses of the Alliance, developing programming, chasing possibilities, and recommending policy to the APC Board of Directors. They are also a talent pool for recruiting future APC Board positions.

We're seeking knowledgeable members for the following 2023 APC standing committees:

  • Communications
  • Education
  • Federal Legislative
  • Membership
  • State Legislative
  • Technician Services

If you would like to be considered for appointment, please send an email to, and include the following information:

  • Your name
  • Pharmacy/facility name
  • Town and state
  • APC committee(s) you’re interested in
  • A brief description of your expertise in the subject area covered by that committee

But don't wait until the last minute! Committee requests are due to APC by COB December 16, 2022.