Urgent-use compounding is one of our major issues, and we’re working on getting HR3662 passed — the...
Worth a read (x2)
Worth a read #1: “Allowing Compounding Pharmacies to Address Drug Shortages” a policy brief by James Broughel, senior research fellow at George Mason’s Mercatus Center, was published in the March/April print edition of the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding. Broughel’s analysis outlines a necessary pathway for 503A pharmacies to be able to compound shortage drugs — exactly the kind of path envisioned in HR3662, the APC-supported urgent-use bill currently in Congress.
Worth a read #2: Want to stay up to date on the latest in alternative medicine? Check out — and subscribe to — The Townsend Letter. Its latest issue is all about the immune system, including compounded supplements, hormone therapies, nutraceuticals, and more. (And we’re grateful for their ongoing coverage of our Campaign to Save Compounded Hormones, by the way!)